Our standards provide high requirements for the level of expert knowledge of employees because incompetence not only does not help to promote the brand but also, in most cases, undermines the company’s development. The LMS Collaborator is the best solution for all of our organizational needs and methods of learning and motivation, integration with other reporting systems in the company.

About the company
French concern GROUPE ATLANTIC – a recognized European leader in the production of electric convectors and water heaters. The first factory of GROUPE ATLANTIC opened on the Atlantic coast of France in La-Roche-sur-Yon in 1968. Today, GROUPE ATLANTIC consists of 15 factories. One of the most modern factories is the “Ukratlantik” factory in Odessa. It can be considered as the flagship of the industry because this plant fully implements all the innovations GROUPE ATLANTIC. This is a complete cycle production with a perfect multilevel quality control system. All products coming from the conveyor of the “Ukratlantik” plant are made of high-quality materials and European components, taking into account international quality standards.
Atlantic-Geyser sells GROUPE ATLANTIC equipment in Ukraine since 2008. Since 2010, the water heaters of the Atlantic brand are the leader in Ukraine in terms of sales. Products are represented in the largest national networks of home appliances, online stores, and DIY.
The free customer information line works 24/7. An extensive network of 120 service partners throughout Ukraine provides customers with proper services.
Organization of continuous training and checking the level of knowledge of employees.
A possibility of safe integration with the company’s internal software.
Online formation and uploading of reports.
Reconstruction of a hierarchical structure and flexible levels of access settings.
Ability to quickly manage content libraries, create courses for programs and certification programs.
The ability of distant access of employees to the resource of knowledge from different devices.
Involvement in administering the minimum number of employees.
Competent technical and operational support.
With Collaborator we managed to quickly set up product libraries and the necessary training content.
With built-in editing tools, all programs and courses can be dynamically changed and relevant to current positions and requirements.
Employee testing system was automated.
The learning results are integrated into the cash motivation system of the staff. All results are available online.
The system of access to content and learning results is clearly arranged in a hierarchy. As a result, the system ensures the work of two independent units of different countries without mix-up in information and in working communication.
The program of involving linear managers in the process of professional growth of employees was implemented.
Technical and administrative support from GROUPE ATLANTIC, as well as content development for the training platform, is handled by only one manager.

Thanks to the functionality of LMS Collaborator, we were able to create training programs and combine them into an annual learning path for each category of employees. This allows us to track the statistics and progress of each employee’s learning.
Easy access to the platform and 24/7 use makes life easier for everyone. The ability to create a Knowledge Base is an undeniable advantage. Standardization and automation of the adaptation, onboarding, and evaluation processes is the key to successful and fast learning for our newcomers within the timeframe we set. Various types of reports are of course helpful in analyzing and evaluating the learning process.

It was important for us to organize learning that would cover all employees and be continuous. So that everyone could study at a time convenient for them, from any place and device. Implementation of LMS Collaborator helped us to significantly improve the employee learning process:
– Create a single up-to-date database of learning materials;
– Automate the process of registering employees in the learning space;
– Provide tools to monitor learning outcomes;
– Improve the quality of learning for our employees.
I would also like to highlight the variety of learning methods that can be used and the convenience of the platform for both users and administrators.