It was important for us to organize learning that would cover all employees and be continuous. So that everyone could study at a time convenient for them, from any place and device. Implementation of LMS Collaborator helped us to significantly improve the employee learning process:
– Create a single up-to-date database of learning materials;
– Automate the process of registering employees in the learning space;
– Provide tools to monitor learning outcomes;
– Improve the quality of learning for our employees.
I would also like to highlight the variety of learning methods that can be used and the convenience of the platform for both users and administrators.

About the company
Currently, Antoshka employs over 1000 people. The development and training of people in the company is based on practical experience, the latest technologies of partner brands, and a mandatory fun component.
The first attempts to implement e-learning were made in the 2010s. The company used an online training format on its corporate portal, which was presented in the form of webinars and tests. Later, Antoshka decided to expand its online learning capabilities and in February 2021 implemented e-learning based on LMS Collaborator. The learning is mainly designed for sales staff (sellers, cashiers) and store managers.
To implement continuous automated learning that will cover all employees of the company.
To get analytics tools to collect detailed statistics and track the learning process.
To organize high-quality adaptation of all newcomers to the company.
To optimize product training for employees.
To implement training for managers.
To create a platform for supporting internal communication.
Implementation of LMS united all employees in one space and automated the learning process.
Creating an onboarding program for newcomers and using learning portal analytics tools to track progress and results.
Maintaining and regularly updating the Knowledge Base on the learning portal, which helps with product training.
Implementation of an online learning program for managers – “School of the Director”.
Maintaining the Forum and publishing News to support internal communication.

Thanks to the functionality of LMS Collaborator, we were able to create training programs and combine them into an annual learning path for each category of employees. This allows us to track the statistics and progress of each employee’s learning.
Easy access to the platform and 24/7 use makes life easier for everyone. The ability to create a Knowledge Base is an undeniable advantage. Standardization and automation of the adaptation, onboarding, and evaluation processes is the key to successful and fast learning for our newcomers within the timeframe we set. Various types of reports are of course helpful in analyzing and evaluating the learning process.

The main objective of our cooperation with LMS Collaborator was to optimize the process of students’ internships. The platform successfully met this task. Students from anywhere in the world have the opportunity to register and gain theoretical knowledge. The administrative part of the LMS is also intuitive, user-friendly and easy to set up.