In 2016 our company switched to a new LMS platform – Collaborator- which significantly has a higher level of functionality, performance and building logic than the previously used system. We enjoy the advantages provided by Collaborator.

About the company
“MTI” Group of companies is a multi-profile commercial structure with a 27-year history, one of the main players in the IT distribution market, selling consumer goods and servicing household and office equipment. The company acts as an authorized distributor and partner of several dozen world-famous manufacturers of IT-products.
The structure of the multi-profile holding company has required a combination of the centralized management and, simultaneously, quite autonomous management of training and development of employees within the operating companies of the Group. Holding “MTI” and the structure of the company’s business is constantly growing. It requires a solution with flexible settings of the training system, the ability to quickly make changes not only in the content but also in the architecture of the training centre itself and at the same time keep the data intact and ensure their safety.
There has been an architecture of the multi-domain distance learning system (LMS). For each direction of business was created its own LMS portal Collaborator. Each of the allocated domains is set up according to the requirement of the relevant business direction, the rights are distributed in accordance with the tasks assigned to the employees (the business trainer manages the training, the administrator controls the content, the domain structure, and the distribution of user roles, the curator is able to receive reports and see the history of training subordinates) .
A global role has been created for the administration of all platforms by the management company that has access to all portals and their databases. The administrator starts the training process from downloading content and assigning tasks to gathering analytics from all training portals of the holding.
The integration with the personnel systems of the holding company has been set. All changes in the structure, positions and affiliation to subdivisions of the holding’s employees are automatically displayed in the LMS.

Thanks to the functionality of LMS Collaborator, we were able to create training programs and combine them into an annual learning path for each category of employees. This allows us to track the statistics and progress of each employee’s learning.
Easy access to the platform and 24/7 use makes life easier for everyone. The ability to create a Knowledge Base is an undeniable advantage. Standardization and automation of the adaptation, onboarding, and evaluation processes is the key to successful and fast learning for our newcomers within the timeframe we set. Various types of reports are of course helpful in analyzing and evaluating the learning process.

It was important for us to organize learning that would cover all employees and be continuous. So that everyone could study at a time convenient for them, from any place and device. Implementation of LMS Collaborator helped us to significantly improve the employee learning process:
– Create a single up-to-date database of learning materials;
– Automate the process of registering employees in the learning space;
– Provide tools to monitor learning outcomes;
– Improve the quality of learning for our employees.
I would also like to highlight the variety of learning methods that can be used and the convenience of the platform for both users and administrators.