Now in development
History releases
2.45.0 – 26.09.2023
- Position profiles
- Changing the algorithm for approving requests for external learning
- New widget with the anniversary of work in the company
- Notification about new comments on the portal
- Creating special events
- Tags in criteria groups
- Updating video playback
- Importing an organizational structure from HURMA
2.44.0 – 22.08.2023
- Updates for personal development plans (PDPs)
- Setting up a successful/unsuccessful task completion page
- Requests for external learning – Attaching files to requests
- Evaluation report updates
- Updates in the task card design
- Splitting the Security and notifications page
- Background export of large reports from learning paths
- Setting the video playback speed
2.43.0 – 04.07.2023
- Detailed survey report
- Updating assessment reports
- Exporting special (custom) reports to PDF
- Authorization by API token
- Refresh the task completion page
- Knowledge base – Tags with active links to resources
- Creating a group of questions in surveys
2.42.0 – 24.05.2023
- Assigning users to tasks – Setting up the table structure
- Filter by organizational structure in the summary report
- Knowledge base – Displays the categories in which the resource is located
- Role management – Update settings for task management
- Mark the completion of tasks in the calendar
- Requests for external learning – Additional fields in requests
- Wiki Encyclopedia – Search articles by content
- Complex quiz – Links to relevant quizzes in the structure
- Notification when storage space limit is reached
2.41.0 – 25.04.2023
- Updates on the work of curators
- Comments in News
- Search in the Wiki
- Individualized task completion time
- Contacts – Display the employee’s length of work experience
- Unsubscribe from notifications about a testing attempt request
- WEBP file format support
2.40.0 – 21.03.2023
- Integration with Zoom
- Sorting in the Catalog
- Notifications about new checklist forms
- Likes and dislikes in the News
- Optional likes and dislikes in Simple notices
- Updates for notification templates
- Work tasks – Assign work tasks to employees of different departments
- Objectives and obligations in the “Position profiles”
2.39.0 – 17.01.2023
- Individual deadlines for tasks
- Co-authors in quizzes
- Changes in work with workshops comments
- Background downloading of large survey reports
- Improvements in notifications
- Requests for professional development – Removal of irrelevant requests
2.38.0 – 02.12.2022
- Record the date and result of the meetup
- New message template – Notification of a request for a test attempt
- Emoji feature
- Update of free response assessment
- Show the number of assigned learning paths to the user
- Notification about the assignment of a new task with a link to the learning path
- Requests for professional development – Required assignment of a personal plan and learning path
2.37.0 – 25.10.2022
- New page “Comments to the workshops”
- Learning paths – Create copies of learning paths
- Moderation – Evaluation of free answers – Add a hint with the text of the correct answer for the moderator
- Setting up the registration form – Hints in the fields of the registration form
- Work tasks – Automatic assignment of work task templates
- Knowledge base – Display resource rating
- Service desk – Attach files to service desk requests
- Setting up saving the state of filters on the Contacts, Catalog and Knowledge Base pages
2.36.0 – 05.09.2022
- New “Competency library” and “Position profile” tools
- Moderation – Validation Answers – Updating the evaluation of free answers
- Simple notices – Leave likes and dislikes to notifications
- Catalog – Filter tasks by date
- Task – New filter by assignment method “By learning path”
- Integration with Digital Samba webinar service
- Reports – Learning history – Filtering tasks by role
- Configuring the registration form – Add mandatory fields for the registration page in the list of field settings
- Notification History – Separate tab with “Events” notifications
- Criteria groups – Searching of a criteria group by their description
- Customizing guest page color scheme
2.35.0 – 01.08.2022
- A new “Events” tool
- Configuring the user registration form on the portal
- Integration with Vatra webinar service
- Notifications in the system – Replacing push notifications with in-app notifications
- Checklists – Automatic assignment of supervisors from the organizational structure
- Improvement of the LMS Collaborator menu
- Knowledge base report – exporting a report on resource views by users
- Quizzing report – Background export of detailed reports
- User settings – Selecting the interface language when importing users into the system
- Giving badges and certificates for passing webinars
- System update notifications – Small improvements
- Add a link to the description of the new version of LMS Collaborator in the system menu
1.39.x –
- API functions for importing the organizational structure added
- The attribute City is added to the birthday reminder template
- Task reminders for 360-degree polls
- Editing the description of the criteria group in the polls 360 using the wysiwyg editor
- The marks of each colleague and subordinate are displayed separately in the 360-degree polls
- Authorization through GSuite with domain restriction for closed portals implemented
- API – the date of the first call to the task and the date of receiving the assessment is added to the user’s learning history
1.39.0 – 27.06.2018
- Paid access to content in Collaborator
- Adding comments to criteria groups of 360° polls
- Exporting reports on 360° polls to Excel
- Filtering by user status
- Security log: displaying of changes in user profile data
- More contact information in Organizational structure
1.38.0 – 18.04.2018
- Requests for professional development
- Service desk for automation of business processes
- Attaching files to Individual Plan tasks
- Administrator’s chat without user confirmation
- Displaying news text in the email
1.37.0 – 20.03.2018
- Cancelling of the assigned task via the employee profile
- Delay of assigning by automation rule
- Additional user filter – “Assignment” column
- Replacement of iceberg by the funnel in success review infographics
- Gallery resource in email notifications
- Additional Settings for Birthdays
1.36.0 – 21.02.2018
- Badges as an element of gamification
- Cover for resources
- Confirmation by the user that document has been studied
- Displaying of the third level in the category tree
- “Resource Author” column
- Updated report for Executives
1.35.0 – 23.01.2018
- Migration to Angular 5
- Personal development plans for employees
- Unsubscribe function
- Restricting access to selection of training tasks in Catalog
- Saving Summary Report settings to Templates for reuse
- Filter in Task Calendar
1.34.0 – 14.12.2017
- Integration of Collaborator with Easygenerator
- Users may see comments on received marks
- Users may see own marks based on evaluation scale rule
- Sending reminders about opening of Training elements
- Hints for program elements in reports
- update in Custom reports – export to PDF
- task completion period was added to exported reports
- quick transition from User data card to Study history
- quick transition from Request for a new attempt to test protocol
- more information about birthday person in Birthdays reminders
- notifications about missed Chat messages
- new format of exporting poll report to Excel
1.33.0 – 07.11.2017
- Custom reports page
- New features in Summary Reports
- Birthdays filter
- Dispatching of Birthdays notifications: new settings
- Displaying of selected tasks in Catalog
- Information about business contacts – a new field in User profile + “Assignment date to current position”
- Reminders about status of own tasks limited by date
- Reminders about the beginning of tasks with calendar period
- Contacts display settings
1.32.0 – 02.10.2017
- Migration to Angular 4
- Training program — scheduling of access
- Filter and Task calendar for Moderators
- Notifications about changes in tasks
- Displaying answers as tiles
- Login via ADFS
1.31.0 – 15.08.2017
- “Manual” selection of respondents in 360 polls
- Separate page for “Birthdays” and automatic dispatch of birthday greetings
- We keep managers informed about tasks of subordinates
- New analytics – user behavior map
- Recognizing of time zones in Webinars
- Updated chat – capability to add several Moderators
- Cancelling of task on user’s choice only before completing
- “Confidentially” option in Polls
- Receiving notifications by e-mail about updates in Knowledge Base
1.30.0 – 12.07.2017
- Validation of SCORM-resources — functioning test of interactive SCORM-course
- Task calendar – the first stage in planning of training
- “Management by objectives” – tool for employee engagement
- News archive
- News types
- “Refuse” function in tasks on user’s choice
- Modification and improvement in polls, voting, workshops, webinars and resources:
– Applying of style for webinars, meetups, and workshops
– Follow-up mailing of login details
– Automatic mailing of notices
– Inserting of webinar into Program structure
1.29.0 – 11.06.2017
- Checklists – a tool for verification and evaluation
- Contacts – a contact directory of your organization
- Change of access to additional course materials
- Creation of notices for webinars
- Birthdays widget – changed appearance
- Chat – sending of mp3 files is enabled
- Changing in titles of Wiki articles
- Checkpoints in Working Tasks
- Prevention of autonomous password change
- Optimization of courses, tests and complex tests
1.28.0 – 20.04.2017
- Tracking of email dispatch
- Updating of Learning Programs in Tasks
- Group assigning for roles
- Speeding up of Performance in Tests, Webinars, and Meetups
- Autosearching of Resources by name
- Description of Program elements
- Adding Meetups into Programs
- New option for birthday greetings
- Active Directory synchronization
1.27.0 — 01.03.2017
- New type of Information resource — “Long Read”. Long Read editor
- Training programs. Мeetups in Training programs, success threshold, sections
- ETutorium webinars integration
- Coauthorship in courses
- Period of the employee’s work in the company in User profile
- New capabilities of Information blocks
1.26.0 — 27.01.2017
- Meetups. They are used for managing participant list and sharing information about offline training, workshop, conference, etc.
- Catalog.Filter on tasks available, meetups in the «On user choice» Catalog
- Сhat. Аdded into chat group based on Automation rules, reviewing at mobile devices is improved
- User profile. Performance indicator from external systems
- Forum. Sorting of topics, Forum search function, possibility to transfer topics from one section to another
- Resources. “Resource author” option, аutomatic formatting of HTML-code, Image editing capabilities and many more improvements
1.25.0 — 07.11.2016
- “Catalog of courses” is rearranged into “Catalog of tasks”: Modernizations in creating of tasks, filters for task management, Catalog categories, Catalog for guests
- Polls. Type of question — «Evaluate on scale»
- Tests. Importing/exporting free answer questions, tags for test questions, question groups
- Test protocol for SCORM
- Notifying users about news
- Audio resources in resource-pages
- Main page — Information block widgets in three columns
- Automatic termination of expired tasks
1.24.0 — 13.09.2016
- Prohibition of using the portal for testing
- Workshop. «Iceberg» of academic performance review, “Print” button for the the whole conversation protocol, export of workshop report data in Excel, browser push-messages, Director access to report
- Information Blocks with HTML-content
- Monitoring of work tasks solving
- Reports. Transition to reports on each program or course element, “Verification pending” status at program or course element
1.23.0 – 08.2016
- Chat.Оrdering of search results, textarea increases its height with the appearance of new rows in text
- Update of WYSIWYG editor. Function «Clean format»
- Workshops in Courses and Programs
- «Optimistic» and «Pessimistic» import of users
- Enhanced security — password policy, CAPCHA, scan uploaded files for viruses, security log — daily safety report
- Сhart for analysis in the summary report
- Search function for Course Catalog
- Badge of count for new and unsuccessfully done tasks, badge «waiting for check» for test tasks
- Polls 360 – new option for selection of respondents
- Improved editor for question with HTML picture map
1.22.0 – 12.07.2016
- Templates of typographic styles
- Chat. Brouser notice, badgets for new messadges, attach files, search for chat and many more improvements
- Workshop. New features for the organization of individual learning activities, the issuance of individual tasks, their checking and commenting
- “Selecting by image” – a new type of test questions that requires specify true object in the picture
- Service of typographic design templates styles
- Tool for application typographic design templates to Resources-pages
1.21.0 – 02.06.2016
- Export / import SCORM-resourse
- Tasks – New type – “individual task”
- Chat. Create channel for group & personal talk
- Reports. Showing number users whos match by current filter and statistics by completion statuses of tasks
- Tasks. For tests show budget with number of answers to check.
- Resource. Allow to download original file that was transform to current respurce-page.
- Polls. For non-anonymous surveys will know who voted for what.
- Polls 360. Heads have access to the reports of competency.
- Refactoring edit course page
- Refactoring page of assign users to task – replace filters of “Active” and “Blocked” to “Assigned”
- Option Lock Print in the portal settings
- Field “External ID” in the user profile settings for data synchronization with the personnel system
1.20.0 – 04.05.2016
- Templates service for the WYSIWYG editor
- Simplification structure of the Forum
- Forum – locked topics and message encryption
- Tags for training tasks
- Infographics in the protocols the Complex Test Results
- Recalculation of test results
- Sorting test questions
- Browser Report Post for Moderator
- Unloading to MS Excel requests for testing attempts
- Showing the progress of Programs
1.19.0 – 31.03.2016
- Optimization of function “Complex Test”
- Option of counting result for the complex test
- Statistics in the report of the task
- Improved “History teaching”
- Autosave test questions
- Widget “active and effective”
- Sorting questions in the poll
- The ability to enter the task after the expiration passage
- Export of test questions in text format
1.18.0 – 01.03.2016
- Complex testing – the continued development
- Simulators with responsive design
- Show in plan of the course progress of the current resource reading
- Tracking Forum messages
- New type of test questions – by comparison logic pairs
- Autosave for editing a resource page
1.17.0 – 03.02.2016
- Recoring sessions of Webinars
- Integration with Google Documents
- Started development of tools for comprehensive testing
- Copy questions from test to test
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
- Reminders about the forgotten tasks
- Widget Announcements for all
- Work tasks – subordinate creates a request to supervisor
- Work tasks – as “observer” becomes “participant”
- Report webinars
1.16.0 – 13.01.2016 – 76 tasks
- Task “Webinar”
- Button “detail” in the widget “Now in the system”
- Improving wysiwyg-editor
- Allocation of new comments in the “Moderation”
- Setting the background image for the menu
- Average response time test
1.15.0 – 25.12.2015 – 111 tasks
- Converting the results on the scales
- Co-authors of the resource
- Shows the results of the test to answer the question
- Explain why test scores have not yet received
- Nesting “tiles” on tests of classification
- A summary report on the test results
- Restrictions on assignment workload
- Structural folder in the organizational structure
- Option “autoplay” for media resources
- Forum – attach resources to answers
- Automation destination of ads
- Unit tests
1.14.0 – 27.11.2015 – 114 tasks
- Animation in resources-pages
- The new resource – Audio files
- One resource in several categories
- Improving the search the Knowledge Base
- SVG – files in the Gallery
- Go to the editing of resources Course Plan
- Tests – Insert Resource in the wording of the question
- Optimize converting various file formats
- Allow to download the original file for the converted resources
- Users with the post of the head marked with a “star”
1.13.0 – 30.10.2015 – 95 tasks
- Wiki – import of articles from MS Word (converter from Word to Markdown)
- Searching resources by tags in the Knowledge Base
- New access permissions
- Refactoring access permissions (Director)
- Knowledge Base Report
- Exporting users to MS Excel
- Resource File. SVG
- Available original presentation files
- Refactoring authorization on Facebook and Google +
1.12.0 – 01.10.2015 – 91 tasks
- Users rating
- Updating Summary Report
- The new WYSIWYG editor
- Resource categories in the Knowledge Base
- Access Restriction to the resources of the Knowledge Base
- Notification when updating the Knowledge Base
- Converting of Word to resource pages
- The number of new tasks in “My Tasks”
- Comments to the User’s account
- Date of change of the resource
- Changes in course plan
1.11.0 – 02.09.2015 – 65 tasks
- Rating of courses
- Widget – Happy Birthday
- Widget – success for posts
- Comparing articles in Wiki
- The number of times the test menu requests
- Users Names in Latin
- Push notification when the appointment / Ad
- Import / export of templates for WYSIWYG-editor
- Reminders of unclimbed task
- Preview – protocol operation with the resource
1.10.0 – 18.08.2015 – 144 tasks
- Using layout and design templats in editing Resources pages
- Multiple selection filters on the list of values
- Simple ads
- Comments in the tasks
- Analysis of User’s crossing at System
- Inserting hyperlinks in presentations
- Content indexing resource types SCORM, HTML-site, Presentation
- Improvements and fixes
1.9.0 – 16.07.2015 – 97 tasks
- Automatic conversion of video files to MP4 format
- Adding subtitles to the downloaded video files
- Improvements in automation editing rules
- Tests – placing “tiles” for variants answers
- Autosave Wiki Articles
- Information block “The success of the regions”
- Country and City in the report of user sessions
- Conversion files presentation from PPT, PPTX to format Presentation Collaborator
- Deadline for the task – the date or period of days from the date of appointment.
- Improvements and fixes
1.8.0 – 25.06.2015 – 101 tasks
- Faster loading and operation of the system
- Service automatic sending of SMS-notifications
- Polls: free-response question
- Restricting access: The head of the information and reports sees only his subordinates
- Added filters for working with lists from mobile devices
- Moderating comments
- Resource Type – Book EPUB
- Resource Type – Page Markdown
1.7.5 – 11.06.2015 – 55 tasks
- Improving the operation of testing on mobile devices
- Convenient display tests for mobile
- Сards view instead of a table for a list of users and tasks
- The new authorization form on the portal
- Optimization infographic reports for mobile devices
1.7.0 – 26.05.2015 – 132 tasks
- Tests: the type of question by ordering
- Tests: the type of question by classification
- Infographics and dynamic charts in reports
- Forum – moderated posts
- UI changes
- Improvements and fixes
1.6.0 – 23.04.2015 – 193 tasks
- Automation training and appointment of tasks
- Diagram of user activity
- Converting PDF-files in the presentation Collaborator
- Improved insertion resource in resource – adding video resources
- Updating: Forum sections sorting and topic pin up
1.5.0 – 24.03.2015 – 174 tasks
- Correspondence: The mail exchange (administrator sends a message to multiple users).
- Resending-mail messages sent from the Journal
- Presentation – a functional of rotation objects
- Progress test taking
- Training programs
1.4.0 – 30.01.2015 – 253 tasks
- Improving interface: the left side of the menu commands for system control and information, and the right – a user command
- Improving interface: type of report in the polls
- Library of competences – criteria and the scale of evaluation
- 360-degree feedback
1.3.1 – 12.01.2015 – 76 tasks
- Organizational structure
- Analysis of test validity questions
- Polls and voting: a choice of several answers to the question
- Polls and voting: enter your text as “your answer”
- Using SVG images in presentations
1.3.0 – 18.12.2015 – 102 tasks
- Graber pages in information resource
- Polls and voting: creation of poll, mapping for users, collect responses, displaying results
- Polls and voting: choose one answer to a question
- Editor presentations and new resource – presentations
- Knowledge Base (resources), search in the Knowledge Base + wiki + News + Forum
1.2.0 – 10.12.2015 – 64 tasks
- Import users indicating the positions, divisions and cities
- Protocol of import users
- Filtering users by positions, departments and city
- Setting the location of the default widget for the role
1.1.0 – 24.11.2014 – 53 tasks
- Comments for the educational tasks
- Watching for work tasks
- Resources: Support courses in SCORM format
- Questions to check: the mapping users marks
0.2.5 – 12.11.2014 – 60 tasks
- Individual setting the Main Page
- Forum – changes
- Tool “Notifications” about the events confirmation review
- Information block: “Notifications”
0.2.4 – 03.11.2014 – 67 tasks
- Wiki – use extended markup language Markdown
- Tasks: the option “type” list of values configured by the administrator
- Editing tool marks
- Applications for teaching: tool processing applications for a course (free, with confirmation, on the appointment)
- Logging of input and references to resources
- Notifications: pop-up notifications on the scheduled task
- Notifications: pop-up notifications of replies in the forum
- Correspondence: automatic configuration tool the mailing emails
- Report: Session of users
- Report: handling resources
0.2.3 – 23.10.14 – 130 tasks
- Tasks: deadline for the task, the priority, assigned work tasks, discussion, change of status and monitoring their implementation
0.2.1 –
- Course: parameter exhibiting the final grade “the average score”
- Course: parameter determining the success of the course, “Threshold of passage in%”
0.1.9 –
- News functional. Creating news feed, the output on the front page of the latest news.
- Information block: “News”
- Information block: “Who is with us?” – Show who is now working in the system
- Forum prototype
- Wiki – page versioning, change history with the ability to roll back to a previous version of the page
- Wiki – tools downloading and using (insert) images
0.1.8 –
- Export / Import Resources, tests and courses
- Resources: group assignment label
- Roles: the right of access to generate reports
- Processing of applications for training course
- View mode courses, tests and resources for Instructors
- Wiki (Markdown)
0.1.7 –
- Tests: the ability to display answers the question in the given order
- Roles: the right to view user profiles
- History of training Users
- Accelerate download on your mobile device via EDGE
- Courses: group binding to Course categories