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    LMS Collaborator 2.39.0 – Individual deadlines for tasks, co-authors in quizzes, changes in work with workshop comments and other improvements

    Date published: 17.01.2023
    Views: 866

    Meet the new version – LMS Collaborator v.2.39.0!

    1. Individual deadlines for tasks

    In LMS Collaborator you can create activities with a limited completion time. It can be an adaptation program, a course or a safety test, etc. In the current conditions, during regular power outages, it is not always possible to complete tasks on time. To avoid creating new activities for employees who did not have time to complete the learning, you can individually extend the deadline for each employee.

    For users who did not manage to complete the task in time, a new deadline setting option will be available.


    Extension of the task completion period

    After you specify a new deadline, the setting will disappear and the employee will receive a notification about the change of the task deadline.

    Notification of the task duration extension

    2. Co-authors in quizzes

    The development of quizzes is not always done by one person. Usually it is a team of people – trainers and experts on the relevant topic. To organize collective work on the quiz, you can add co-authors. They will be able to monitor the relevance of the quiz content, update and edit it if necessary.

    Co-authors in quizzes

    3. Changes in work with workshops comments

    With the help of LMS Collaborator workshops, you can remotely assign practical tasks to a group of trainees and track the progress of each user. The whole process takes place in a dialogue mode, during which the curator and the employee can exchange files and discuss the result of the performance.

    All comments of the trainees are collected on a separate “Workshop comments” page, where the curator can review them and leave a response.

    We have facilitated the work of administrators by removing from them unnecessary information on working with workshop comments. Now records with comments will be available only for users who are curators of the workshop. If necessary, administrators will be able to check the work of curators in the workshop report.

    Also, for convenience, unread comments will be highlighted. After they are processed, the counter of new comments will be reset for other curators as well. They will be able to view them in the “Completed” tab, as well as filter them by the date of the workshop assignment, status of completion, title and performer.

    "Workshop comments" page

    4. Background downloading of large survey reports

    In some cases, the survey may be administered to a large number of employees (400 or more). For example, when organizing staff evaluation, collecting feedback after a training or conference, etc. When generating such a report, the system processes a lot of data, which may take more time than usual.

    Uploading of such reports will now be performed in the background. While the data is being processed, the following message will be displayed for the Administrator who started the report generation:

    Survey report

    When the report is prepared, the person who made the request will receive a corresponding letter with the attached report file in MS Excel format.

    Survey report letter

    In addition to the survey report, background downloading is already implemented for the summary report, reports on courses, quizzes, programs and checklists.

    5. Improvements in notifications

    LMS Collaborator has several channels for communication with users. One of them is automatic email sending of important messages and reminders. Such messages are generated by templates that can be easily changed. For example, a template about assigning a new task, about the upcoming deadline of a task or a report template for managers on the progress of subordinates, etc.

    Portal administrators can now independently set the time of automatic sending of messages to users. Choose the most convenient time for sending to avoid spam.

    This can be done on the template management page:

    Setting the time for automatic messages to be sent

    Settings of sending time for such templates are currently available:

    • Birthday reminders;
    • Notification of automatic completion of the task after the expiration of the passage period;
    • Notification to managers with a list of completed tasks of their subordinates.

    Setting the time of automatic sending of notifications

    6. Requests for professional development – Removal of irrelevant requests

    In LMS Collaborator, managers can create templates for employees to request professional development. After the request is submitted, the administrator processes it: accepts/refuses and, if necessary, assigns additional learning (personal development plan or learning path) to the employee.

    To generate reports, it is important for the system to collect only relevant information on employee requests. There are cases when a request was submitted accidentally or has already lost its relevance. To prevent such requests from being included in the report, the Portal Administrator can remove them.

    Applications for advanced training

    Read about the previous version Collaborator 2.38.0 here

    Atamanenko Katya
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