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    2024 for LMS Collaborator: summary and infographics

    Date published: 26.12.2024
    Views: 229

    Another year is coming to an end – a challenging one, but also one full of achievements. A year when, despite all the challenges, we continued to make progress.

    2024 was a year of renewal and new horizons for us. After a three-year break, we resumed our favorite El’Lab project by organizing the seventh meeting with a focus on e-learning puzzles.

    This year we focused on knowledge sharing, sharing our experience on leading professional platforms in Ukraine. We were speakers at the webinars “Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Businesses”, “E-Learning in Troubled Times”, and “Principles of Corporate Learning Effectiveness”. We participated in HR Days, HR-Radio and the HR-Brand Ukraine Award. We expanded our international presence at Talent Days, Jobicon and EXPO HR. We held two webinars for Polish colleagues and spoke at the DFHR conference in Wroclaw and Elearning Fusion in Warsaw.

    We are especially proud of organizing the webinar “Automation of Learning Processes: From Assignment to Analytics”, where we shared our insights with the HR community together with our partners Natalia Chebusheva (Tascombank) and Anna Bebeshko (Antoshka). And our CEO Myroslav Botsula became a lecturer at the online course “Creating e-Learning in a Company from Scratch” by CASE STUDY Academy, helping companies build effective corporate training systems.

    But the most important thing is to support our defenders.

    We wove camouflage nets, delivered Christmas gifts for children from Kherson region, and implemented even more projects as part of our volunteer initiative Collaborator for 4.5.0. Because business development and helping the army are two parts of one big victory.

    So what did 2024 bring us? Let us tell you in numbers and facts!

    What we achieved together in 2024: summary


    New cool features

    This year was full of cool updates!

    We listen to your suggestions and bring them to life by adding features that help make corporate training even more convenient and effective.

    Each release of LMS Collaborator was aimed at improving your experience and expanding the platform’s capabilities.

    The brightest new features that appeared this year in LMS Collaborator:

    • Global and individual employee development plans.

    You can create multiple development plans for one employee, choosing the appropriate type of plan depending on your needs: a global plan with a defined overall timeframe for a team or an entire department, and an individual plan with an individual timeframe for an individual employee.

    • Competency assessment in LMS Collaborator.

    Based on the formed position profile, you can organize a competency-based assessment. It allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees and helps to identify areas for development.

    • Surveys by groups.

    Create multi-level surveys with questions divided into groups. When completing the survey, the system automatically redirects the user to a specific group of questions, depending on their answers to the questions.

    • Catalog of learning paths.

    In addition to learning tasks, you can add learning paths to the Catalog. For ease of navigation and search, all paths are collected in a separate section the Paths Catalog.

    • Time limits for completing tasks.

    You can limit the time for completing not only tests, but also courses and learning resources. The time is set in minutes, which allows you to fine-tune the duration of the task according to its complexity and volume.

    • Improving the work of the gift shop.

    You can manually reward employees with bonuses not only for training, but also for other achievements, such as the successful completion of an important project, achievement of high performance, active participation in corporate events, etc.
    The system will send them notifications about purchased gifts so that administrators can conveniently track activity in the store.

    • Log in with a one-time password.

    If you have forgotten your LMS Collaborator password, enter the phone number that is linked to your learning account. After that, you will receive a message with a one-time access code via SMS or another communication channel that is connected to the system.

    • Hiding a user profile.

    You can hide the visibility of user profiles in public areas of the platform. Users whose profiles are hidden will not be displayed in chats, contact list, forums, and birthdays.

    • Delegation of work task sub-items to different performers.

    To clearly define areas of responsibility and duties, you can delegate individual sub-tasks between performers.

    • New types of notifications from the system.

    These include notifications about gifts purchased over the past day, new answers to open questions, tasks assigned to subordinates over the past day, reminders of deadlines for personal development tasks, notifications about revisions to career development applications, and notifications about an uncompleted survey.

    • New interface languages.

    Currently, LMS Collaborator supports more than 7 interface languages: Ukrainian, English, German, Polish, Czech, Romanian, Hungarian, and others.


    Technical support: numbers and quality

    We pride ourselves on staying in touch and helping you solve the most complex issues. This year, our technical support processed 3,850 requests, and our development team implemented 492 updates at your request. We also released 6 large-scale releases.

    Thank you for your trust and communication – together we make LMS Collaborator even better!


    Customer experience: Success stories

    We are especially pleased to be a part of our clients’ success. From building international teams to large-scale onboarding, from automating processes to building career paths, we created many inspiring stories together with you in 2024.

    Each case is unique and confirms that LMS Collaborator is not only a platform, but also an entire ecosystem.


    Publications for specialized HR resources

    Our goal is to support the development of the Ukrainian e-learning market, share our experience and help Ukrainian companies implement best practices.

    2024 was a year of active cooperation with HR media for us. We shared real success stories of our clients, practical solutions for learning automation, and useful insights for the HR community.


    Security and compliance

    The security of your data is our priority. In 2024, we took another important step in ensuring security and compliance with modern requirements. We successfully passed recertification according to the updated 2022 standards.

    This confirms that LMS Collaborator meets the most modern requirements for data protection, stability, and reliability of the system.

    LMS Collaborator in numbers

    What reflects success better than concrete numbers?

    In 2024, our clients actively used LMS Collaborator to train their teams: they attracted thousands of new users, created a lot of training materials, and provided millions of sessions in the system.


    2024 was a busy, productive and bright year!

    We sincerely thank each client and partner for their trust, cooperation and joint achievement of new heights. We express our special gratitude to our unbreakable Defense Forces of Ukraine, thanks to whom we continue to develop and build the future.

    There are even more opportunities and achievements ahead, and we are glad that you are with us on this exciting journey.

    See you in 2025!


    Atamanenko Katya
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