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    The use of the training rating – the case of SOCAR Energy Ukraine

    Date published: 16.12.2020
    Views: 2604

    The success of the motivational program depends on the successful combination of different methods of motivation. Rating is one of the most effective ways of non-material motivation. It not only acts as a benchmark in the calculation of bonuses and fees, but also encourages the spirit of supernatural competition in the team. In the desire to outperform others, the team members report more efforts in order to improve their results and to stay on the same level.

    In the new version of Collaborator 2.11.0 we updated the “User rating” functionality. We added the possibility to incrementally accumulate employees’ training rating – now when creating a task, the admins will indicate the maximum amount of points which participants will be able to receive if they successfully complete the task. We improved the scoring mechanism, modernized the rating dynamics graph and put the cumulative rating of the user into the profile – “Training” block. Read more in Wiki Collaborator

    Implementation of the training rating has many advantages: increased involvement in the training due to competition, decreased motivation and motivation of employees to improve competencies and skills.

    Lyudmila Kalchenko, head of the selection, training and personnel development department, told us how the rating is used in motivation programs of SOCAR Energy Ukraine.

    – Tell us about the motivational program of your company’s employees. What role does the training portal play in it?

    – We have different motivational programs, one of them is the “chips” project. For initiative, diligence and activity in the learning process employees get rating points, which are converted into flashes. After accumulating a certain number of chips, they can be exchanged for valuable prizes.


    – What other material and non-material incentives do you use?

    – In addition to chips for successful completion of full-time training we use diplomas and compliments – small commendations.

    – Do you use badges and certificates as a reward for successfully completed the task? For what tasks?

    – In the near future, we plan to implement certificates. We are actively working on the development of their design. Members of the portal will be able to get them for the successful completion of educational programs.
    Badges can be awarded to employees for completing certain tasks. For example, the badge “I know how to provide quality service” can be awarded for tasks related to service and quality of service.


    Also, we have successfully implemented a project of “nudging”. In order for the office employees to be more familiar with the Company’s operational processes and to study its values and culture, they work at the filling station for one day at the reverse position of a salesroom operator or cashier. Employees who have passed the “training” receive special badges.

    – You can describe in more detail about the rating of employees on the educational portal. How is it used in the motivational program?

    – We use the rating in our motivational program. The more points for the tasks the cadets get, the higher their rating is and the more flashcards they get. After the launch of the project, there was real excitement among the employees. Now everyone began to actively monitor their profile and rating and perform additional tasks to get more points.


    – What activities do the users receive points for? Which tasks are valued more?

    – Points are awarded for all tasks, but each task is assessed differently. This depends on the complexity of the assignment, the time it takes to complete and its basic structure. Courses that employees choose themselves are usually evaluated with a higher number of points than the assignments they have been assigned. Professional training, which is designed, for example, for a week is quite complex (contains a lot of material and tests). Therefore, the user can get more points for it than for any other activity.

    – Did the implementation of the rating affect the motivation of employees? In particular?

    – The interest in training of the office employees increased significantly. More employees of the office started to pay attention to the training and choose additional tasks for themselves. Implementation of “flash” formed a certain competition among employees. Everyone began to try harder, pay more attention to training in order to score points and win prizes.

    – What are the ideas for the future in the development of this process?

    – We are currently working on a big project with individual development plans. Regarding the development of the motivation program, we plan to reward employees with certificates for successful completion of training programs.

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