In 6 years of work we have successfully solved many cases and tasks of our clients. With the development of technology cases have changed and there are completely new ways of solving them. But some tasks are always relevant. We would like to share our experience with you and tell you about successful solutions of popular HR-tasks of 2020.
1. Onboarding and staff adaptation
One of the most popular and frequent cases for our clients.
Relevant for HR, which train newcomers, companies with high staff turnover.
The task of the case. To speed up the process of internship and adaptation. Make the adaptation process less stressful for newcomers.
Solution: To automate the adaptation process of employees using a web-based training portal. Make the adaptation program individual for each employee – use personal development plans (PDP). Assign trainees introductory courses on their professional activities in the company. Add control points to the adaptation program – quizzes for knowledge and understanding of job duties and specifics of work, surveys, checklists.
In addition to training content, tasks of direct adaptation at the workplace are often used – rules of interaction with various services (accounting, security, etc.), basic rules of the office and business processes.
If a trainee is assigned a mentor, or a separate specialist is responsible for each item of the adaptation plan – you need to indicate them as the checker(s) for the implementation of the tasks of the employee’s Personal plan.
Read also:
- What does an ideal induction course consist of?
- How to organize staff onboarding with LMS
- Personnel Adaptation – Experience of Planet Kino
2. Training automation
Relevant for large and network companies with geographically distributed divisions.
Case objective: To remove the main burden from T&D managers, to automate the training process for employees.
Solution: To automate training on the company’s standards, products and business processes. In this case, to leave for the face-to-face training mainly the practical testing of the obtained knowledge and skills.
Read also: How to organize distance learning
3. Detailed analytics
Relevant for HR, who need to monitor the progress of training and development of employees.
Objective of the case: Identify the effectiveness of training, content quality, employee engagement. Upload the results of training, work with analytics in the context of different regions or departments.
Solution: Use a summary report and reports for different types of training in the Collaborator system, as well as infographics and dashboards. Upload training results using the API directly to the HR system or another system to work with analytics.
4. Virtual rewards and incentives
Relevant for T&D managers who want to involve employees in the learning process.
Case study objective: Motivate employees to learn. To implement virtual rewards for learning success.
Solution: It is common among most companies to rank the most productive and active employees. Encouragement in the form of a rating – bonus points, which will be added to the rating. Using elements of gamification – badges as rewards for successfully completed tasks and certificates as proof of completed training and assimilation of knowledge.
Read also: Gamification in e-learning: the benefits of using it
5. Attestation
Relevant for companies that need to control the level of knowledge of their employees. Including the companies that have complex technological and working processes, where employees are not allowed to work without certification.
The task of the case: to assess the performance of employees, their professional knowledge and skills, compliance with their position. And also, the level of competencies.
Solution: Implement the annual appraisal of employees. As well as additional cuts of knowledge: self-testing after learning the material, final testing during the course. Use 360-degree surveys and checklists to evaluate the level of competencies.
Read also:
- All-in-one: conducting performance appraisal with comprehensive tests
- About point-to-point testing: the case from Dmitry Kuznetsov, ATLANTIC GEISER
- For all 360: preparing a 360 survey at Colibrus
- The Last Steps: Doing the 360 Survey and Data Analytics in Reports
6. Long-term employee development program
Relevant for HR, interested in creating a team of professionals and preventing staff turnover.
Objective of the case: To build a long-term training program for employees, with the help of which they will develop, get into the talent pool and be promoted. To learn and pump up their knowledge, skills and competencies for the entire period of their employment with the company.
Solution: Create training programs and Personal development plans for different positions and qualifications. Prepare courses and tasks for mastering new skills that will help move to a new position (personnel reserve). Give employees the opportunity to independently choose the tasks of interest to acquire new knowledge. Use applications for professional development.
All these tasks you can implement on the basis of our platform. To try the benefits of using LMS Collaborator, sign up for a demo.