Microlearning: how to adapt and not to exhaust your employees
In the last couple of years microlearning has become very popular and has become one of the top trends in corporate e-learning. Microlearning is one of the most favorite training formats for employees. Brief materials are much easier to learn, they can be studied at a convenient time, without taking time off from work.
How to use micro learning for the adaptation of employees and how to make it beneficial for business? We will tell you in this article.
Microlearning is metered information that is delivered in blocks. Each unit explains one idea or develops a certain skill. Most of the time, the lesson is presented in the form of:
- brief videos and animations;
- small presentations, information cards;
- infographics;
- short electronic courses and modules;
- fragments from books or textbooks.
To make microlearning effective, you need to combine several formats of materials. For example, a video with text, a presentation with infographics, and images with audio.
For better understanding of the information, the training should be provided with different types of content, depending on the purpose of the training. For more details read: Examples of micro-teaching staff at JoinUP, PizzaDay, Sigma, Petrykivka
The main benefits of using microlearning for the adaptation of employees
1. It helps to maintain knowledge.
Information presented in parts is easier to comprehend. Short and focused material helps to achieve the desired results faster and reliably consolidate knowledge.
2. The microlearning format is more appealing to students.
Accessible and quick materials engage students more than long training programs. It is much easier to maintain enthusiasm and concentration with small blocks of information.
3. It accelerates adaptation.
Microlearning offers only targeted information. In contrast to the long adaptation program, newcomers can complete this program much faster.
4. It requires less time.
Microlearning modules are considerably shorter than traditional e-learning courses. Be sure to take enough time to go to work to review one block of adaptation material.
5. It makes learning more flexible.
The combination of mobile learning and microlearning allows students to study from anywhere at any time. Students can control their learning process and study at their own pace.
How to use microlearning for the adaptation of employees
1. Meeting the company’s brand
During the adaptation period the employee gets to know the company, its brand, culture and values. For the newcomer to become not just an employee, but a part of your team of colleagues, you need to inoculate him or her from the first day into your corporate culture and form a positive impression of the employer’s brand. Newcomers must receive detailed and clear information about the company, its products/services, feel and choose the key elements of the brand. It is very difficult to learn everything at once, so micro lessons will help.
Use the sequential material. Be sure to provide information about the current goals, objectives, and key projects so that your employees understand the company’s plans and policies. Break down the material into smaller units and give them free access. If staff will forget something, at any time will be able to return and do it again. We recommend saving these materials in the knowledge base and create a separate category for them. This way you will save time on searching for relevant information when you need to find something and read it right now.
2. Compliance training
Compliance training is a necessary part of the onboarding program. During the compliance training, employees learn the requirements and procedures, company policies and regulations governing working conditions. With the help of micro training you will be able to prioritize the key points of information and select only the most relevant requirements, which employees must be aware of.
Instead of creating large PDF files with a description of requirements, you can create a short documentation in the form of a small presentation, which includes the important information in the work. For better assimilation of knowledge, each topic can be divided into separate educational blocks. For example, safety training, ethics at the workplace, instructions for workplace safety etc.
Automate compliance learning in LMS Collaborator
3. Product learning
Microlearning is also suitable for product learning for new employees. It will be especially relevant for retail companies, where the assortment is frequently updated. To familiarize your employees with the new product, its benefits and characteristics, use short courses or presentations. Do not overload them with theory. Submit the material in small pieces, use short, targeted information. To consolidate what you have learned, use small tests of 5-6 questions. And to summarize the important and compare several products, use infographics. It’s simple and straightforward to describe complex issues. These short materials will be a wonderful guide for your employees, which can be used even after the end of the adaptation.
4. Working with systems learning
Every company uses certain systems that help optimize business processes. This can be CRM, HRM, LMS, 1C and others. For newcomers who have never worked with them, everything seems important and incomprehensible. That is why their training may require a great deal of time. Use microlearning to reduce the time it takes to train staff. For each system, create small SCORM courses where workers can become familiar with the system and its functionality. Use online simulators so that employees can practice their skills. Necessarily talk about the benefits and usefulness of each system, so that employees will understand the importance of using them and will not cause resistance to possible changes. Keep these materials in the knowledge base, so that the staff can return to them at any time to see what is not well understood.
Simple and helpful recommendations
1. How long should microlearning take?
It depends on the format of the material. Below you can find a table with the optimal time of their passing, which we follow ourselves.
Learning material format | Passage time |
video | 10-15 minutes |
audio | 10-15 minutes |
interactive animation | 10-15 minutes |
presentation (information cards) | 5-10 minutes |
infographics | 5 minutes |
small electronic course/training module | 15-30 minutes |
longread, fragments of books or textbooks | 10-15 minutes |
knowledge check quiz | 5 minutes |
feedback survey, check-list | 5 minutes |
2. Which formats of materials are better NOT to use?
Files that need to be downloaded or opened in special programs. For example, PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint. These additional activities, which takes time. You should also pay attention to the size of the files – large materials will take a long time to be downloaded, and contrary to the principle of fast accessibility.
3. How to teach big and complex topics through microlearning?
Use two principles:
- decomposition or “divide and conquer” – divide the material into separate portions;
- connectivity – relate each part of the material to other cross-references and study in the recommended sequence. Use the learning map for guidance.
Now you know how to effectively use microlearning to adapt your employees. The easiest and fastest way to create microlearning is to use a distance learning platform. With LMS Collaborator you will not only be able to implement microlearning, but also automate the adaptation program of your employees.
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