LMS Collaborator 2.43.0 – Detailed survey report, API token authorization, task completion page update and other improvements
Meet the new version – LMS Collaborator v.2.43.0!
1. Working with reports
1.1. Detailed survey report
In LMS Collaborator, you can view detailed analytics on employee learning, track their dynamics and activity. All data is collected in separate reports that can be downloaded to Excel.
For non-anonymous surveys, there are now 2 types of reports available: regular and detailed.
If you need to get general statistics on how users completed the survey, you can use a regular report:
If you need to get a more detailed analysis of the answers and conduct an in-depth analysis of the results, a detailed report will assist with this:
1.2. Updating assessment reports
LMS Collaborator’s analytics tools allow you to conduct a detailed analysis of employee evaluation results. The system automatically collects data and generates reports on it. In particular, a report analyzing the results of self-assessment and analyzing the gaps between assessment and self-assessment.
To make it even more convenient to work with evaluation analytics, we have changed the appearance of the employee self-assessment scale. The overall result for a group of criteria will now be displayed above the graph.
We have also changed the appearance of the graphs for analyzing the gaps between assessment and self-assessment. The scale will display the minimum and maximum scores that can be obtained, and the value of the difference between the assessment and self-assessment will have its corresponding color:
– green if the assessment of others is more important than self-assessment;
– red, if the self-assessment is higher than the assessment of others.
1.3. Exporting special (custom) reports to PDF
Every company has its own needs, peculiarities, and learning strategy. Accordingly, each company requires an individual approach to analyzing employee training statistics. For example, you need to analyze and download the user rating for a specific period or the training report of a supermarket chain for the last month, etc. This can be realized with the help of special (custom) LMS Collaborator reports.
You can read more about it here
Now it is possible to download such reports in PDF format.
To generate an individual report and choose the right format for downloading, please contact our technical support team: [email protected]
2. Authorization by API token
API is a set of rules and protocols that allow different information systems to exchange data with each other.
Read more about how the API works with LMS Collaborator here
Now, in your LMS Collaborator profile, on the Security and notifications page, you can create an authorization token and use it when sending API requests. Such a token is a common method of authorization when integrating different information systems. It provides a secure and convenient way of identification without the need to transfer credentials for each request. In addition, tokens have a limited validity period and can be canceled by the author at any time if necessary.
In order not to lose access to the API after the token expires and to renew or extend it in time, the system will send a reminder 3 days before the expiration.
3. Refresh the task completion page
We are constantly working on improving the design and interface of LMS Collaborator. In this version, we have updated the design of the task completion page.
Now, after completing the task, the block will display badges and certificates that the employee received for its successful completion. In addition, for ease of viewing, the block with the completion status will adapt to the screens of different devices.
4. Knowledge base – Tags with active links to resources
In LMS Collaborator, you can build your corporate digital library, accumulating important information about learning and work. All the material you upload to the portal is automatically added to the Knowledge Base. It can be different types of resources: links, pdf files, documents, news, topics, and Wiki pages published on the portal.
To organize a quick search for materials, you can add # tags to the resources of the Knowledge Base. These can be any keywords related to the topic or category of the resource.
Now the tags in the resources will contain active links. When you click on them, you will be taken to a page with filtered resources that contain this tag.
5. Creating a group of questions in surveys
Surveys are one of the fastest ways to get quality feedback. Through surveys, employees can share their opinions and expectations anonymously or openly, and make suggestions.
When you create a survey in LMS Collaborator, you can divide the questions into separate groups according to certain topic categories. This will help to ensure that the survey is organized and structured.
Read about the previous version of LMS Collaborator 2.42.0 here