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    LMS Collaborator 2.40.0 – Integration with Zoom, likes and dislikes in News, sorting tasks in the Catalog, and other features

    Date published: 21.03.2023
    Views: 777

    Meet the new version – LMS Collaborator v.2.40.0!

    1. Integration with Zoom

    We have added integration with Zoom, one of the most popular platforms for organizing webinars and video conferences. With the integration, you will be able to create webinar tasks on the LMS Collaborator portal, which users will be able to complete directly in the Zoom application. All statistics of appointments and attendance will be recorded and displayed in the webinar report on the learning portal.

    webinars in Zoom

    How to work with Zoom webinars

    The principle of webinars is standard. To organize a webinar, you need to create a new task with the type “webinar”. Specify the description, date, and time of the webinar. Assign users to the task and be sure to select presenters. You can specify several presenters: the one who conducts the training and the one who helps moderate the process. Participants can be assigned to webinars manually, according to automation rules, or according to the parameters of learning paths. Users can also register for a webinar on their own if it is published in the Learning сatalog.

    With Zoom integration, you will be able to:

    • use Zoom from your phone using the mobile app;
    • plan a series of recurring conferences;
    • organize a conference with the possibility of registration;
    • add co-organizers;
    • manage the entrance of participants to the conference using the waiting room;
    • communicate with other participants in the chat;
    • conduct surveys and tests and export their results;
    • divide participants into different session rooms;
    • create virtual subtitles;
    • stream the conference on YouTube
    • record and transcribe the conference, etc.

    Read more about webinars in LMS Collaborator here

    Interested in integrating with Zoom? Contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to help you and tell you more about all the features.

    2. Sorting in the Catalog

    In LMS Collaborator, users can independently assign tasks to themselves, which the Administrator adds to the Catalog. For example, tasks for additional learning, soft skills development, or any other activities.
    Users search the Catalog using various filters and the category tree. By default, all tasks in the Catalog are sorted by the date they were added, starting with the most recent ones. This allows users to track the appearance of new tasks and keep track of their relevance. To make searching for tasks even more convenient, we’ve added the ability to sort by title and time of creation.

    Sorting in the Catalog

    3. Notifications about new checklist forms

    Checklists help to implement a verification of the standards and processes that employees must follow. They can also be used to collect feedback, evaluate trainees during training, check subordinates, or self-check.

    Within one checklist task, a curator can be assigned several questionnaires. For example, when a manager needs to check his or her subordinates according to the same criteria. Each subordinate is a separate checklist questionnaire.

    The questionnaires can be assigned gradually, for example, each week different groups of employees are evaluated using a checklist. The system sends notifications to keep the curator informed about the assignment of new questionnaires and complete the evaluation in time.

    Notifications about new checklist forms

    4. Likes and dislikes in the News

    “News” is a great tool for reaching and engaging your audience. You can publish various events, activities, news from the company’s life, or any other information that you need to share with employees.

    When viewing news on the portal, users can leave their reactions – put likes or dislikes. This small interactive feature helps to track the popularity of news and analyze the quality of the content. All reactions are recorded in a report.

    The presence of reactions also arouses additional interest among employees to view the news.

    Likes and dislikes in the News

    For specific news that does not require reactions, you can disable this feature.

    Setting reactions for News

    5. Optional likes and dislikes in Simple notices

    To provide employees with important information, such as an upcoming meeting, team building, offline training, etc., you can create a notice on the LMS Collaborator portal.

    Similarly to News, employees can leave their likes or dislikes while viewing an ad. This helps track the number of times an ad is viewed and encourages users to interact with it.

    If you don’t want employees to leave their reactions under specific ads, you can disable this option for them.

    Customize reactions for the simple noticed

    6. Updates for notification templates

    LMS Collaborator has several channels for communicating with users. One of them is the automatic email distribution of important reminders and notifications. They are generated using templates that can be easily changed. For example, a template for assigning a new task, a template for approaching a task deadline, a template for a report for managers on the progress of subordinates, etc.

    Portal administrators can customize the time when certain message templates are sent automatically. Choose the most suitable, unloaded time to avoid spam.

    We’ve expanded the list of templates for which you can customize the sending time. Now the settings are available for the following notifications:

    • Birthday reminders;
    • Notification about the automatic completion of the task after the deadline;
    • Notification to managers with a list of completed tasks of their subordinates;
    • Notification of the deadline for completing tasks;
    • Notification the day before the start of the program element.

    7. Work tasks – Assign work tasks to employees of different departments

    With the help of “Work tasks”, you can assign various tasks and assignments to employees, monitor their implementation and deadlines.

    Work tasks

    Read more about the “Work tasks” functionality

    To avoid misunderstandings, work tasks can only be assigned to employees within the same organizational unit. For example, a manager creates an assignment task for his subordinate: prepare a presentation for a client meeting.

    In small companies, the responsibilities and workflows of employees in different departments may overlap. In this case, the task setting process requires the ability to create tasks and assign them to employees not only of your own, but also of other units or departments. You can change the rights to create work tasks with the help of LMS Collaborator technical support. We will provide you with the necessary access rights that will allow you to assign work tasks to employees regardless of their department.

    8. Objectives and obligations in the “Position profiles”

    In LMS Collaborator, you can create “Position profiles” – a detailed position description that contains a list of requirements and competencies that an employee must meet. A position profile is an important HR management tool. It helps to attract and select candidates, evaluate employees’ performance, and develop their career opportunities.

    Read more about the “Position profiles” functionality

    When you create a position profile, you can now add a description of its objectives and position obligations that the employee should perform. They will be displayed on the edit page in the Position profile.

    Position profiles

    We have just started developing this functionality. In the future, it will be improved and expanded to a full-fledged tool – Competency based assessment.

    Read about the previous version of Collaborator 2.39.0 here

    Atamanenko Katya
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