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    Automate the HR process using the LMS Collaborator and HURMA integration

    Date published: 01.06.2022
    Views: 1212

    Automation of HR-processes assists in eliminating routine work of HR-managers, increasing the quality of recruitment and increasing efficiency indicators. HRM-system is the tool, thanks to which you can quickly achieve the desired results and to bring human resource management to a new level. LMS Collaborator expanded the system’s capabilities by adding integration with HRM-system HURMA.

    LMS Collaborator integration with HURMA can significantly increase the level of automation of HR processes and systematize the work of the HR department. You will be able to solve tasks from recruiting to complex personnel management on the basis of performance indicators of each stage.

    You can use a single space to maintain a database of employees, systematically adapt newcomers, track the passage of probation periods, deal with sick leave, vacation and remote work, manage careers and teach the right knowledge, conduct evaluations, surveys, questionnaires, and much more.

    HURMA enables you to create various surveys, including surveys for assessing the level of staff engagement (Gallup Q12 questionnaire) and employee satisfaction measurement (eNPS), Control over productivity and objectives using OKR methodology, as well as using attitude monitoring to eliminate negative trends.

    More details about all the possibilities are described in this article.

    What possibilities the integration of HURMA and LMS Collaborator provides

    With the help of LMS Collaborator integration with HURMA you will be able to:

    • Automate and systematize the work of HR departments – establish a full cycle of work with candidates and employees;
    • Conduct all HR work in the HRM system, create a database of employees and quickly operate the information on each person;
    • Improve the process of onboarding and adaptation – to automate the assignment of tasks, create a personalized onboarding plan and monitor the success of the newcomer passing all stages of adaptation;
    • Simplify the process of accommodation, leaves of absence and work assignments due to automated personnel management;
    • Motivate employees and increase their loyalty by planning OKR business tasks;
    • Provide employees with informational support and offer quality customer service through chat-bots, debriefings, forums, and other communication channels;
    • Keep statistics on HR, recruiting and educational processes using automatically generated handy graphs and diagrams.

    Try LMS Collaborator + HURMA

    Both systems exchange data, so you do not need any additional configuration. All database of collaborators from HURMA will be transferred to LMS Collaborator.

    About Hurma

    blankHURMA is an All-in-One platform for HR and recruiters to help companies grow and be the best for their employees. With HURMA, companies grow faster and HR managers and recruiters save time by automating routine work. All this on a personal secure Single Tenant server and with recommendations from 1,000 companies from 17 countries.

    HR information on a single screen in HURMA

    To find out which workers are on vacation, with whom you have appointments, or whose probationary period is expiring, you usually need to write to managers, creating unnecessary communication.

    In HURMA system all the necessary information about how many employees are in the office, on sick leave, vacation or business trip is displayed on a convenient and clear dashboard. The new dashboard is a set of widgets. Many functions can be accessed in a few clicks. The dashboard has all the information you need about current tasks, company events, colleagues’ birthdays, administrative information and employee handbooks.


    The process of providing leaves of absence is automated – employees do not need to go to their manager personally. They can create a request for the desired type of absence in their profile, chatbot or calendar by selecting the desired date and leaving a comment. The manager will confirm or deny the request.


    In addition, the system implements a convenient option Payroll, which allows you to record the working time of employees, generate a total table of worked hours and pre-calculate wages.

    ATS system for recruiting and integration with job portals

    Without automation, HR specialists have to keep a database of candidates, their profiles and job descriptions in various files, while the recruiting funnel, vacation schedules and survey reports are kept in Excel spreadsheets. As the number of employees grows, it becomes more and more difficult to find anything you need – searching takes more time and the risk of losing an important document or information increases.

    HURMA stores your entire candidate database. You can filter them by tags, job statuses, expected salary, and even by the recruiter assigned to the candidate. This significantly saves time – all necessary data is always at your fingertips. Setting up automatic sending of emails to candidates at recruiting stages and saving all interaction history allows HR specialists to cut their time in half.


    Integration with popular job portals such as Work.ua, rabota.ua, Dou.ua and others will not allow candidates to get lost. Recruiters will be able to see who came from which source. Ai Fox plugin allows you to automate the process of adding candidates to the system and save time. All the information about the candidate is automatically scanned from his resume page or Linkedin profile and automatically saved in HURMA. And thanks to the integration of the two systems it is possible to set up a step-by-step adaptation of a new employee and maximally automate the tracking of this process.

    Employee Survey. Flexible designer, built-in Q12 and eNPS templates

    A survey is the most convenient way to collect feedback. To summarize, HURMA and LMS Collaborator systems complement each other favorably in this matter. With the help of eNPS surveys of HRM system HURMA you can identify the level of satisfaction of employees, find out their attitude to a particular issue or the company as a whole. You can also use the LMS Collaborator to make 90, 180 or 360 degree evaluations. You can easily get detailed statistics regardless of the number of respondents thanks to flexible configuration of survey templates, automatic reminders and detailed reports.

    Integration with HURMA allows LMS Collaborator clients to conduct a survey of any complexity, including eNPS and Q12. To avoid creating the same surveys, you can use convenient ready-made templates or add your own.


    You don’t need to worry about an employee missing a survey, the system will automatically send invitations to all participants. Employees will receive messages in HURMA and in chatbots and can go straight to the survey via a direct link. If not all respondents have answered the questions, you can send them a reminder.

    You do not have to generate dozens of tables to compare new results with previous ones – all data is safely stored in the archive, which can be viewed at any time.

    OKR. Productivity management, goals and key results

    To increase the motivation and effectiveness of the team, business goals must be transparent and clear to everyone. Otherwise, employees will not make every effort to achieve their goals, and the company’s strategy will not be realized.

    HURMA has a convenient algorithm for creating, setting and setting OKRs both for an individual employee and for departments. With HURMA you can automate goal setting, make company goals more transparent and understandable for your employees.


    You can create an objective, specify its type, select key results and their evaluation, define the goal period and other necessary parameters. You do not need to create additional tables or files, HURMA allows you to attach goals to specific employees.

    Automation of OKR will help managers spend less time on unnecessary control and micromanagement, each employee can track and update their progress independently.

    End-to-end analytics. All recruitment and HR metrics within one system

    To get the most accurate analytics and transparency in the process, you need to do full regular analysis and use only relevant data. It takes a lot of time and effort to analyze and process indicators manually. In addition, there is always the possibility of errors in calculations.

    With the integration of LMS Collaborator and HURMA you can more easily keep statistics on HR and recruiting processes. HURMA automatically calculates and collects data on the number of employees, distributing them by gender and age, as well as calculates the turnover rate. This is available in handy charts and graphs.


    You can:

    • look at the data from the plinth for any given period;
    • analyze the efficiency of recruiting for a year, a month, a year, or any period of time;
    • track the number of open positions by each recruiter or the overall result of the entire department;
    • analyze the number of candidates at each stage of the funnel and identify their weaknesses.

    You can also connect the Salary Statistics on request. The system has the ability to revise the salaries of the most popular IT positions in Ukraine.

    Integration of LMS Collaborator with the HRM system HURMA will be useful not only for companies interested in automating recruiting and hr processes, but also for those who plan to evaluate personnel. In LMS Collaborator this can be done using different methods: feedback collection, assessment by manager, 360, 180 and 90 degree survey. For companies wishing to conduct an assessment based on our platform we have prepared a special rate – Assessment 360.

    In addition to it, you can also choose the most favorable tariff for you from the proposed list. Standart – for those who want to implement corporate training and facilitate the adaptation of employees. PRO – for companies that want to try professional tools for learning process automation: checklists, learning paths, personal development plans, objectives management (MBO), complex quizzes, certificates, etc.

    Ask your manager for the current rates for integration or leave a request for LMS Collaborator. Buying a 2 in 1 HURMA+LMS Collaborator solution you get 10% monthly benefit and additional 10% to the special annual tariffs from each system.

    Try LMS Collaborator + HURMA

    Atamanenko Katya
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