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    1.34.0 — Integration with Easygenerator, Evaluation scale, dispatching of notifications about chat messages and many more

    Date published: 14.12.2017
    Views: 1442

    We released Collaborator v. 1.34.0!
    In current release:
    Authors can easily connect their courses created in Easygenerator to the system. Users can view coaches’ comments about evaluation of their answers in quiz. Moreover, Collaborator will remind users about newly opened stages of Training programs.

    1. Integration of Collaborator with Easygenerator
    2. Users may see comments on received marks
    3. Users may see own marks based on evaluation scale rule
    4. Sending reminders about opening of Training elements
    5. Hints for program elements in reports


    • update in Custom reports – export to PDF
    • task completion period was added to exported reports
    • quick transition from User data card to Study history
    • quick transition from Request for a new attempt to test protocol
    • more information about birthday person in Birthdays reminders
    • notifications about missed Chat messages
    • new format of exporting poll report to Excel

    1. Integration with Easygenerator

    Integration of Collaborator with Easygenerator is completed – now you can use courses created in editor as SCORM resources.
    Just enter your login and password from Easygenerator site at Resource creating page and access the courses created by you.
    How does it work?

    • choose one course from the list;
    • load course into Collaborator by clicking “Select from Easygenerator” button;
    • save resource;
    • use resource in tasks, courses and programs.

    More about Easygenerator is here.

    2. Users may see comments on received marks

    When task Author will check answers to “Free Answer” questions in a quiz, the user will see own results on a separate page – button appears at “My tasks” page:
    Following link at “Free answer results” page will display marks and comments to these marks. Answers are divided according to test and question names.
    Test results or comments can be discussed in Chat if necessary. Clicking “Discuss” button would create private chat with person who checked your answer.

    3.Users may see own marks based on evaluation scale rule

    All marks for tasks in Collaborator are given in percentages, i.e. marks from 0 to 100 in results and reports. Usually this is enough, but when you want to show this marks on any scale, for example, 5-point or ECTS, then you just need to specify desired scale in task settings. We already wrote how to create and use evaluation scales in v.1.15.0.
    Previously only Administrator could see reports with marks on applied evaluation scale. Now users also see results not only as a percentage from 0 to 100, but also on the given scale.
    Use additional criteria for assessing employees to create an accurate picture of training. Show on a certain evaluation scale how “good” or “bad” your users have passed their tasks.
    You can create or edit scales in “Training tasks” – “Mark scales”. Your evaluation criteria will appear next to existing percentage threshold.
    Pictures below show how user’s marks will be displayed if ECTS scale is applied:
    – at “My tasks” page:
    – at “Study history”:
    Scales were closely described in Collaborator v 1.15.0

    4. Sending reminders about opening of Training elements

    Timely completion of tasks and strict observance of schedule are one of the most important criteria for success in educational process. But sometimes a person can be busy with other important things and do not always focus on the schedule. Therefore, we constantly add different types of notifications to help student meet their deadlines.
    We have added notifications about start of Tasks with calendar period in Collaborator v. 1.33.0. Specifically, reminder will be sent to a user in three days before the start of the task.
    Now users will receive email reminders about tasks as well as details for accessing training elements in one day before the start of the task.
    User will receive the following message:
    Here you can find more details on notifications about start of Tasks with calendar period:

    5. Reviewing information about parameters of Program element in reports

    Also, we added into Collaborator pop-up hints with extra information for program elements in report:
    The hints display following information:

    • Report name
    • Deadline for completion of element
    • Completion threshold
    • Completion status

    We added several more small tools and updates into the system:

    • new format in Custom reports – export to PDF – there is an option to export custom reports in PDF.


    • task completion period is added to exported reports – now Excel reports contain “Task period” column.
    • quick transition from User data card to Study history

    A convenient solution for Administrators:

    • click on user’s full name,
    • view profile card,
    • go directly to Study History.


    • you can quickly go to test protocol from Request for a new attempt – link to Report on quiz is added to “Requests for quizzing attempts” page. So, coach will be able to go to this page by link, then evaluate user results and decide whether to give an additional opportunity to pass the quiz or no.


    • more information about birthday person in Birthdays reminders – We added position, department, city and user avatar into a standard template for birthdays reminders. Now, all you need to recognize a birthday person is to cast a glance at birthday notification.

    More details about birthdays in past digests:

    That is how email notification looks like:

    1. When user missed message in private chat:

    2. When user missed message in group chat:

    • new function of exporting poll report to Excel is added

    We created a function that allows you to export reports on poll. The file is formed in a convenient and simple table – all information about task is displayed.

    Do you have any suggestions or a bright idea, which can make Collaborator even better? Then write to our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lmscollaborator/. And, perhaps, your idea will be realized in the next release.

    Best regards,
    Collaborator team

    The LMS Collaborator Team
    Content Manager LMS Collaborator
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