1.32.0 – Migration to Angular 4, scheduling of access to Training program, Calendar for Moderators
Collaborator v. 1.32.0 is released!
We added notifications about changes in tasks, one more option for displaying answers in tests, new way of authentication, and much more.
In this release:
- Migration to Angular 4
- Training program — scheduling of access
- Filter and Task calendar for Moderators
- Notifications about changes in tasks
- Displaying answers as tiles
- Login via ADFS
1. Migration to Angular 4
We completed laborious work (but imperceptible for users), which was aimed on refactoring of program code in LMS Collaborator.
Since May 2017, we have carefully updated all key features of the system to modern technology – Angular 4. It took a lot of time and efforts, but Collaborator became faster and easier. Now it has new technical opportunities for further development and quick adaptation for our clients.
We believe that this upgrade will make your work with our platform even more convenient. 🙂
2. Training program — scheduling of access
Our goal is to automate learning processes as much as possible, but without losing usability and flexibility of the settings. “Restricting access by time” function in Training plan has been requested and edited by our customers. Now it is implemented by us in Collaborator 1.32.0.
You may schedule tasks in time. For example, in 2 days after assigning to a program, employees will be given access to a specific course. Then in 14 days after the start of the program, the employees will be able to pass tests on materials of this course.
Such settings as Number of days from the start of the program can be applied to any element of the program in option block called “Access conditions”.
Here is use-case.
A newcomer who joins a company must, within 3 days, get acquainted with history of the company, corporate culture and his job duties. On the third day he gets an access to the primary test, and from the fourth day – to the first Marketing course.
Imagine that we created Training program that contains several elements. From the first day of the program assignment, the newcomer receives access to a course on corporate culture and history of the company. For an element with primary test, we set “3 days from the start of the program” condition, and for the first Marketing course – “after 4 days”.
If this program is assigned to the user on Monday, the first courses are available immediately. Access to the test will be opened on Thursday, and to Marketing course – on Friday.
The same function can be used with reference to calendar period. In this case you can use meetups or webinars in Program.
3. Filter and Task calendar for Moderators
In this version, we added new function – “Task calendar”. With this calendar you can see all tasks that are bound to date and time.
This function helps Administrators to control workload of coaches who conduct classes. The Calendar works in “month”, “week”, “day” view modes. The occupancy calendar can be viewed by users who have rights to manage tasks.
Clicking on a task in the Calendar will open management tools and block with information about the task. There you can edit and delete tasks, assign users, review analytics and send e-mails.
You can filter tasks by one or several Moderators in Task calendar and this will allow you to visually assess workload of these coaches.
4. Notifications about changes in tasks
In previous digest about new features in 1.31.0 release, we described notifications about new resources in Knowledge Base.
In this version of Collaborator, we added one more type of notifications – about changes in tasks.
If a task has any deadlines and you may change these dates. Then after saving of the changes, the system will prompt you to send a message about the change of deadline to all users assigned foк the task.
In addition, author of the task can manually select users from the list and send them an e-mail with a message about the changes. To do this, he needs to go to the user assigning menu, mark the necessary users and select – “Send notification”.
Users will learn about changes in the task and can go to it directly from the link in the received email.
5. Displaying answers as tiles
A new minor change is adding of “Displaying variants of answer” in tests.
This is a small function that simplifies work of test authors. Now variants of answer to test questions in Collaborator can be displayed to users both as list and as tiles.

Displaying answers as list and as tiles
Now authors can select several questions in any test and change answer display mode by a single group action.
6. Login via ADFS
Anyone who uses Active Directory will benefit from this update. Now, it possible to automatically determine at portal login form if entered e-mail belongs to a corporate domain. If so, the user will be redirected to the corporate network login page.
After Active Directory confirms that user belongs to the network, he will able to enter company’s corporate portal at Collaborator.