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    Collaborator 1.26.0 — Meetups, external rating, and many more.

    Date published: 27.01.2017
    Views: 1070

    In the first release of the year, we have combined offline (meetups) and online training on a single web site. In addition, we added many improvements that have made the work in the system even easier and more convenient.
    In this release:

    1. Meetups

    blankMeetups help in organizing of blended training. In Collaborator 1.26.0, meetups are implemented as separate training events. They are used for managing participant list and sharing information about offline training, workshop, conference, etc.
    Meetups are being created and operated based on the same principles as any other training activities:

    • Create information Resource – learning task content,
    • Create a Task which will be inserted into the created Resource,
    • Assign the Task to users,
    • Users start completing it,
    • Administrator studies reports on task results and gives marks.

    More about how Meetups are implemented and what possibilities it gives is here.

    2. New in Catalog

    2.1. Filter on tasks available on user choice is added.
    Thanks to this filter it is easy to find a task or an event, which must be completed, or choose interesting resource for self-tuition. That is how it looks.
    When applying for a training or choosing suggested learning activities (books, videos, tests, training programs, etc.), a user may obtain additional skills in various areas of the company business. This may help an employee become even more valuable and replace a colleague if necessary.
    2.2. Meetups could be placed in “On user choice” Catalog.
    It is convenient in case, if we want users to assign for training by themselves or apply for participation in workshop.
    Such offline events may be conducted within the company as well as outside it. For example, conferences, master-classes, business trips.

    3. Improved chat

    3.1. People could be added into chat group based on Automation rules.
    The user can be automatically added to a specific chat group, if he or she suits to one of four automation rules parameters (City, Position, Department, Tag).
    For example, create chat channel for all users of the system and apply Automation rule “For all new users”. Now, all new users will be automatically added to this chat.
    In addition, you may create a chat with specific tags, e.g. “regional managers”. After that, all new regional managers will be automatically added there.
    Automation rules trigger when user parameters are changed. As soon as employee’s position, department or city is changed, he or she will be automatically added to a group which suites to predetermined settings.
    Here is more about managing of Automation rules.
    3.2. Chat reviewing at mobile devices is improved.
    When using a mobile phone, chat channel panel and user list will be automatically hidden after channel or user selection.

    4. User profile

    Starting from Collaborator 1.26.0 user’s numeric performance indicator taken from external systems could be displayed in the User profile. For example, weekly sales, number of served clients or any other value.
    Diagrams with user ratings including an external one (highlighted in red) may be seen by Administrators in the User profile.
    This data is handed to learning platform programmatically. We use API for this and clients’ IT-specialists may periodically upload user ratings from an external system into Collaborator.
    Thanks to this, you may track how this external rating has been changing in comparison to learning rating by opening user’s Study history. Growth dynamics of the learning rating as well as the external one would be seen, if the training inside the company was successful and employees working efficiency was increased.

    5. New features of Forum

    5.1. Sorting of forum topics.

    Now we can sort the topics in the forum section by the number of messages or by dates. Now it is even easier to navigate in the forum. With this function, the newest or most popular forum topics that are actively discussed can be found in one click.
    5.2. Forum search function added.
    The search is carried out in the published topics available to the user. Namely: by topic names, descriptions and messages.
    5.3. Possibility to transfer topics from one forum section to another.

    Forum topics can be easily sorted by sections. If there is no longer need in any section, you can migrate important topics to other sections and then delete it. At the same time, communication between users and the rating received during the discussion will not be lost.

    6. Resources

    6.1. Resource author may be changed.

    Previously it happened that a person develops useful resources for staff training, but he or she is not recognized as an author of the publication. Instead, the administrator who just published it in the system signs the resource. Alternatively, the resource author has left the company a long time ago. However, his materials are actively used, supplemented and improved by other people who remain unknown.
    In order to correct this and accurately indicate the authorship of a resource, we added a new option in which you can specify the author by selecting him or her from the user list.
    6.2. Automatic formatting of HTML-code.
    At switching of editing into source code mode, the HTML-code will be automatically formatted (indentation and line folding).
    This visual arrangement makes it easier to work with HTML code, by speeding up navigation in it.
    6.3. Video transmission technology is changed.
    We changed the technology of video content transmission and now you do not need to wait for the full download of the file to start watching it. The video starts playing almost immediately after page opening.
    6.4. Image editing capabilities are enhanced.
    A new image parameter is added – “text wrap”. You can place the image in the text to the right or left and return to the original position. This adds extra possibilities for the creative design of tasks. blank

    7. Main portal page appearance

    Information blocks on the Main page could be placed in two columns. The most important information may be placed in the left column. This arrangement of information blocks is more convenient when viewing the page on mobile devices.

    8. Reports

    Collaborator automatically tracks all changes that users make to their profile data. In the security report log, you can find out the exact time when the user edited the profile and what was changed.
    This feature is designed for more reliable protection of user data in the system. For example, if there is a situation when an employee can not log into the system for some reason, the security report may show when and from which computer the user’s password was changed last time.

    Collaborator is actively developing. We are constantly looking for new ideas and paying attention to every wish of our users. If you have any ideas how to make Collaborator even better, please write to our Facebook page:

    We will answer any question about the system or its implementation and listen to any criticism.

    Best regards,
    Collaborator team.

    The LMS Collaborator Team
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