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    Personnel Assessment using 360, 180 and 90 methods: recommendations from e-learning experts and examples of use in LMS Collaborator

    Date published: 23.06.2022
    Views: 1816

    A company’s efficiency depends on the professionalism of its personnel. Assessment helps to measure the level of competence and develop the right strategy to improve it.

    What tasks are solved by the assessment, what popular assessment methods are used by companies, we will tell in the article.

    Personnel assessment is necessary when

    1. It is necessary to form a personnel reserve for the top positions.
    2. The productivity of the work has fallen and it is necessary to identify the reason for it.
    3. There were complaints from clients and frequent conflicts within the team.
    4. There is a regular recruitment of staff and the competence of the candidates should be evaluated.
    5. It is necessary to plan plans and goals of development for the next year

    What tasks are solved by the personnel assessment

    • Formation of the personnel reserve;
    • Identification of potential leaders and managers;
    • Rational distribution of functions and duties of employees based on the results of the evaluation of work and work behavior of the company’s employees;
    • Identification of training needs and evaluation of the effectiveness of the available training programs;
    • Detection and development of the employees’ work potential;
    • Improving productivity.

    Do you have similar tasks and your company would like to automate personnel evaluation? Submit your application and we will demonstrate how you can do it using LMS Collaborator.

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    Before conducting an assessment, we recommend that you consider the priority thing: employee motivation. Or a positive attitude towards the evaluation in the team? Are they interested and how actively involved in the process?

    With this question we turned to corporate e-learning expert Nataliia Panchenko and asked for advice on how to motivate employees.

    How to encourage and motivate employees to be assessed?

    blankNataliia Panchenko – mentor El`Lab, performance expert and e-learning specialist

    It seems to me that there is no special secret here. As in most processes, the employee should understand what the purpose of the evaluation is, whether it is safe for him/her, what is being evaluated and how, and whether the evaluation criteria are clear and transparent.
    To get more motivation to complete an evaluation, involve managers in the joint implementation of the evaluation criteria, while keeping workers informed, conducting training, workshops, discussions.
    Tell what each participant gets after the evaluation, for example, what development is expected of the employee. Or emphasize the connection to material and non-material rewards, this will create additional interest.

    Personnel assessment in LMS Collaborator: examples of application

    In LMS Collaborator you can use different methods to assess the competence of the staff. Let’s take a look at the most popular ones:

    1. 360-degree assessment

    The 360 degree assessment is one of the most effective ways to get objective information about personal qualities and professional competence of a colleague. The 360 assessment is conducted by collecting feedback from the closest professional community: peers, supervisors, subordinates, as well as the employee themselves. The aim of the evaluation is to compare the information received from the respondents with the self-evaluation, which will result in a direct connection and to identify possible problems.

    Effectiveness of the 360 assessment method: You can prevent the loss of a valuable employee, increase his loyalty, help him cope better with the tasks and encourage him to actively work with his weaknesses – competencies that are sagging. Assessment 360 will be especially useful in the assessment of managers and work with the personnel reserve.


    Example of 360-degree assessement

    2. 180-degree assessment

    The 180 degree assessment is a type of evaluation in which the supervisor and the employee make a direct link about the performance of the employee. The method of 180 degrees is useful to assess a large number of workers when it is necessary in a short time to identify the strengths / weaknesses of the spokesperson, to give a direct link and make a development strategy without spending a lot of time on the analysis.

    The effectiveness of the 180 degree assessment method: Allows you to see how the employee assesses its effectiveness, competence and potential, compare these results with the assessment of line managers and make further development plan. In order to get the desired results, such evaluation should be carried out regularly.



    180-degree assessment – the example of ROSHEN

    3. 90-degree assessment (assessment by the manager)

    A manager’s analysis of their employee’s performance is the most common method of evaluation. By means of an evaluation, the supervisor evaluates certain competencies or situations in which employees have proven themselves. A kind of rating is formed based on the results of the evaluation: the highest positions are occupied by the most competent and successful employees, and at the bottom by employees who still need to develop.

    The effectiveness of the 90-degree assessment: It allows to define gaps and underdeveloped competences of employees, which helps to draw up a development plan. It also helps to make important managerial decisions – personnel reassignments, layoffs, or promotions.


    90-degree assessment – the example of ROSHEN

    In addition to motivation, you should focus your attention on the comfort of your employees during the evaluation using the 360, 180 and 90 methods. What should be taken into account in this case is described by the expert and corporate e-learning practitioner.

    How to make the assessment as comfortable as possible for the employees?

    blankNataliia Panchenko – mentor El`Lab, performance expert and e-learning specialist

    I think it is comfortable when, first of all, everyone knows their role in the evaluation and the necessary actions for its completion at each stage. Assessment should become a dialogue between the employee and the leader when there is enough time and space for a comprehensive assessment of achievements, development, identification of tasks and priorities, potential of an employee.

    Secondly, since the evaluation for employees is often not conducted every day, information and training related to the evaluation should be available throughout the year and during the evaluation, and answers to frequently encountered questions should be provided. For example, the training of the call. Whether the creation of plans for the individual development of competencies.

    Finally, make an assessment as for yourself 😉
    The most common mistake people make is adjusting to system limitations, most of which can be simplified, corrected. Unlike first impressions, which are very difficult to change later.

    A collection of tips for practitioners involved in 360, 180 and 90 assessment methods from the LMS Collaborator

    1. Selecting the personnel assessment methodology, it is important to focus on the initial goals and objectives of the assessment – what you want to assess, what results to get, and what decisions to make as a result.
    2. Types of evaluations in which employees take part. Their attitude to the evaluation can affect the objectivity of the results. Therefore, before the evaluation, it is important to explain to the staff why it is necessary, how the results will be used and how they will be of use. For greater enthusiasm can be used as additional non-material and material incentives.
    3. After conducting any assessment, it is important to give the right constructive feedback. An unsuccessful feedback can make the employees demotivated and begin to display a negative attitude to the work.
    4. The number of people involved determines the objectivity of the results obtained. To get the most truthful assessment, use all the attributes of the employee. You can also think about involving external experts, clients or partners.
    5. At no time can you ignore the results of the assessment. After the evaluation necessarily need to take some management decisions: the appointment of additional training, staff rearrangement, upgrading, etc. Otherwise the employees will cease to take the assessment seriously, and they will not be motivated to undergo it next time.
    6. Even if the results of the competence evaluation are low, it is not necessary to impose penalties, especially in the form of fines or dismissals. This only discourages employees. In this case, it would be right to pay attention to finding methods to improve and develop the competencies they are asking for.

    LMS Collaborator allows you to evaluate your staff using various methods: call collection, evaluation by a manager, 360, 180 and 90 degree assessments. For companies that want to conduct assessments on the basis of our platform, we have prepared a special rate – Assessment 360. It does not include anything unnecessary, accordingly, and the price is only for the assessment tool.

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