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    AI assistants for e-learning: top tools from Valentyna Hrinchenko

    Date published: 27.06.2024
    Views: 303

    The launch of Chat GPT in Ukraine has become one of the most high-profile news stories of the digital space in 2023. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is firmly established as an assistant in everyday use. From writing texts and creating images to generating audio, this is just the tip of the iceberg of its capabilities.

    In this article, we have prepared a selection of favorite AI tools from Valentyna Hrinchenko, Head of Distance Learning at Kernel. These proven assistants will help to optimize the process of creating learning materials, make them more interactive and interesting.

    We invite you to review each of these tools with us, learn about their capabilities and specific ways to use them in distance learning.

    Valentyna Hrinchenko, Head of the Kernel Distance Learning Team

    blank«My 20-year-old son recently told me that everyone is surprised that it was his mom who introduced him to GPT chat. He studies computer science at the Polytechnic University, so his audience is always technically curious 🙂

    I like to test everything new, I subscribe to telegram channels for updates of systems with artificial intelligence, register in new programs, regularly take training from IT companies and more. I record everything I like in my knowledge base and keep in mind that tomorrow will be even better. Only last year we complained about the imperfection of the Ukrainian language in Synthesia, and today we are developing a new video tutorial and see that the avatar has become an excellent student, getting rid of mistakes and accent.

    Every time artificial intelligence extracts text from webinars, processes images, organizes my texts, helps with stories, finds mistakes, and translates, I feel “Wow”. I also love discussing ideas both in professional communities and with colleagues over coffee about how AI can make life easier. And I get a lot of ideas: making vacation itineraries, looking for tickets, planning dinner from what’s in the fridge, learning English together.

    And now, from time to time, to analyze and work with tables and reports, I ask my son for the password to his paid version of GPT :)»

    1. Eightify summarizer

    What does it do?
    It creates text summaries of YouTube videos. Eightify uses its own artificial intelligence technology in combination with OpenAI ChatGPT.
    The advantage is that it allows you to quickly understand the essence and content of the video without spending time watching it in full.

    In addition to creating summaries, Eightify can also be used to automatically generate subtitles.

    The tool is available as an extension for the Google Chrome browser and as a standalone app for iOS devices. Eightify also supports any input language and offers translations into more than 40 source languages.

    How to use it in e-learning?

    Instructors and educators can use Eightify to quickly create summaries and subtitles for training videos, providing a convenient way for collaborators to review key ideas and concepts. In addition, Eightify can help you write short annotations for video resources, video lectures, or seminars.


    Link: https://eightify.app

    2. MagicSlides tool for quick generation of presentations

    What does it do?
    It automatically creates presentations from various data sources. Used as a complement to Google Slides

    The tool analyzes text snippets, YouTube videos, web pages, PDFs, or just keywords and generates a slide based on them. MagicSlides can also be used to convert ready-made presentations into videos.

    You can choose the number of slides, edit their content, and customize the design using built-in templates.

    How to use it in e-learning?

    Using MagicSlides will help you save a lot of time creating training presentations from scratch. The tool will also be useful in generating presentations from ready-made course text materials, videos, or other content.


    Link: https://www.magicslides.app

    3. Captions.ai platform for working with video

    What does it do?
    A magic wand for video editing, including studio sound customization.
    It is a multifunctional platform based on artificial intelligence technologies that offers a number of tools.

    You can record a video directly in Captions.ai or import a ready-made video for editing. The platform uses modern speech recognition algorithms to ensure the most accurate transcription and subtitle generation. In addition, the application has functions for cutting and extracting short fragments from long videos to create clips and video ads from them.

    An interesting feature is the automatic eye contact adjustment function. Captions allow you to adjust the direction of your gaze in the finished video, establishing a connection with the viewer, even if you weren’t looking at the camera during the recording. Magic, isn’t it)

    The app also has a built-in dubbing function that allows you to automatically translate videos into different languages.

    How to use it in corporate e-learning?

    It can be used as an editor for training videos, webinar recordings, or training sessions. The built-in dubbing function makes it easy to translate training videos into different languages, making content available to international teams or company branches. And the ability to adjust the direction of view on the video will help improve the interaction between the teacher and the audience.


    Link: https://www.captions.ai

    4. Skill AI tool for generating learning paths

    What does it do?
    It creates a plan for learning paths.

    To create a learning path, you just need to enter keywords, a topic, or a brief description of the requirements for the future path. The tool analyzes the input information and automatically creates a structured path to achieve the learning objectives.

    For example, if you enter the keyword communication skills, you will get a generated sequence of training materials for improving communications.

    It is also convenient that the tool allows you to mark the progress of learning paths.

    How to use it in corporate e-learning?

    The tool can be used to create structured individualized training plans for employees. For example, learning paths, courses or programs for specific roles, positions, etc. It can also be used to create plans to develop skills, competencies, or improve knowledge in a particular area.

    In addition, Skill AI can be used to update existing learning paths or plans. If the requirements for skills or competencies change, the tool will generate new topics and their sequence for effective learning.

    Skill AI

    Link: https://skillai.io

    5. ElevenLabs voice generator

    What does it do?
    It gives a voiceover to the text.

    Currently, the service offers about 120 voice options and more than 20 different languages. These include English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Arabic, and Ukrainian.

    How to use it in corporate e-learning?

    In corporate e-learning, ElevenLabs can be used as a tool for creating audio, dubbing videos, and converting text materials (manuals, articles, case studies) into audio format. The service will also help you generate voice responses for chatbots or virtual assistants that support the learning process.


    Link: https://elevenlabs.io

    6. TalkEze invisible video prompter

    This tool is not from the newly created world of AI, but it also deserves attention.

    What does it do?
    TalkEze allows you to use a prompter that is “invisible” to the audience while recording videos or making video calls. You can read prepared notes from the screen of the PC you are using to record the video. This creates the illusion of fluency and helps you avoid unnatural sideways glances or eyes rolling. Regardless of whether you share the screen, the notes will be automatically hidden from the viewers.

    The TalkEze interface is simple and intuitive. You simply upload your script and it will be displayed on the screen in an easy-to-read format. You can customize the font size, text color, and scrolling speed to best suit your speaking pace.

    How to use it in corporate e-learning?

    TalkEze is useful for trainers who regularly record training videos, webinars, interviews, or any other content where it is important to maintain a natural and confident appearance. It eliminates the need to be distracted by reading a script, allowing you to focus on conveying information and interacting with viewers.

    Link: https://gemoo.com/talkeze


    These AI tools can be useful assistants in creating educational content for your eLearning project. They will help you optimize the content development process and make it more efficient.

    Using these tools, you can:

    • Save time on routine tasks.
    • Generate ideas.
    • Improve the visual component of your courses.
    • Add interactivity to your learning programs.

    Remember that AI is a tool that complements, not replaces, your expertise. Experiment, test different approaches, and don’t be afraid to innovate. Combine your knowledge and experience with AI capabilities to bring your eLearning content to a new level of quality and efficiency.

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