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    Assessment and evaluation: decoding HR terms

    Date published: 16.07.2024
    Views: 185

    Assessment and evaluation are processes without which effective HR management is impossible to imagine. They are often considered identical and used interchangeably, but there are significant differences between them.

    In this article, we will look at the essence, goals, and methods of personnel assessment and evaluation. We will also share cases of their application in Pizza Day and D.S. pharmacy chain.

    What is an assessment?

    Assessment is a process that determines the effectiveness, productivity and potential of employees. This process covers a wide range of characteristics: professional skills and competencies, personal qualities, compliance with corporate culture, etc. The assessment is conducted periodically and is used to make decisions on career development, remuneration and human resource planning.

    Main goals and objectives of the assessment:

    • Determine employee performance.
    • Identify key competencies and possible areas for improvement.
    • Create individual career development plans for employees.
    • Prepare a succession plan to ensure business continuity.
    • Evaluate the employee’s suitability for the position.
    • Identify general training and development needs.

    Methods used: assessment center, interviews and conversations to obtain feedback, employee self-assessment, 360-degree feedback, etc.

    What is evaluation?

    Performance evaluation is the process of measuring and analyzing the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by employees as a result of learning. It focuses on determining the degree of learning, the effectiveness of training programs, and identifying areas for further development. Unlike staff appraisals, evaluations are conducted more frequently and are usually tied to specific learning activities.

    Main goals and objectives of the evaluation:

    • Determine the degree of mastery of specific knowledge and skills.
    • Identify gaps in knowledge and adjust curricula.
    • Monitor progress in learning.
    • Check the compliance of learning outcomes with the set goals.
    • Evaluate key learning performance indicators.
    • Measure the effectiveness of training programs.

    Methods used: tests (pre- and post-training), practical tasks, case studies, questionnaires, etc.

    It is important to understand that staff assessment and evaluation are not one-time events. They are ongoing processes that should be conducted regularly to ensure that information is up-to-date, to track employee progress, and to adjust staff development strategies and training programs in a timely manner.

    For your convenience, we’ve summarized the key differences between appraisal and personnel evaluation in a table:


    Examples of assessment and evaluation in corporate learning

    Assessment of managers – Pizza Day case

    blankPizza Day conducts a top management assessment every six months to get up-to-date feedback on the work of its managers. This process helps to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the top managers. It also helps to determine what skills they need to successfully implement projects and activities that contribute to the achievement of the company’s strategic goals.

    To conduct the assessment, the LMS Collaborator learning portal is used, which automates all stages of the process: organization, conduct, collection and analysis of results.

    The assessment of top managers is based on 10 key competencies that align with the company’s core values. Peers, the CEO, subordinates, and cross-functional employees are involved in the evaluation process.

    In addition to regular assessments of top managers, Pizza Day’s training department also conducts 360-degree assessments for new top managers and the talent pool. This allows employees to receive valuable feedback on their leadership skills, strengths, and weaknesses from colleagues and subordinates.


    Evaluation of Pizza Day’s top management using the 360-degree method

    Testing knowledge using express tests – the case of the D.S. pharmacy chain

    blankTo quickly and efficiently assess the level of knowledge without lengthy training activities, the D.S. pharmacy chain has implemented a rapid testing system.

    Express tests are part of the training trajectory. They are assigned to employees automatically after they have completed the courses and become familiar with the characteristics, properties, and benefits of the private label products.

    A database of questions has been created for each nomenclature item. The test includes 5 questions that are automatically selected from the list in LMS Collaborator. Each question is of a closed type with one correct answer.


    Express testing of employees of the D.S. pharmacy chain

    Express testing is conducted within a month. Each working day, a new test task is assigned for a different product name. The materials used for testing are freely available on the training portal. After completing the test, employees can return to the training materials at any time, review them and perform a self-assessment.


    Although they have different focuses and methodologies, staff assessment and evaluation are integral components of effective human resource management. Proper application of these tools can significantly increase staff performance, contribute to the achievement of the company’s strategic goals, and optimize training and development processes.

    It is important to understand that assessment and evaluation are not one-time events. They need to be conducted regularly and continuously improved. A comprehensive approach allows you to create a strong basis for making informed personnel decisions, planning staff development and increasing overall productivity.

    LMS Collaborator is a system that combines tools for staff assessment and evaluation, providing an integrated approach to human resource management.

    With LMS Collaborator, you can automate processes, get detailed analytics, and effectively develop the potential of your employees.
    Take a step towards increasing your team’s efficiency today with LMS Collaborator!
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